Source code for aas_timeseries.views

import uuid
from collections import OrderedDict

import numpy as np

from astropy.time import Time, TimeDelta
from astropy import units as u
from astropy.units import Quantity
from import Data
from aas_timeseries.layers import BaseLayer, Markers, Line, VerticalLine, VerticalRange, HorizontalLine, HorizontalRange, Range, Text, time_to_vega

__all__ = ['BaseView', 'View']

VALID_TIME_FORMATS['absolute'] = ['jd', 'mjd', 'unix', 'iso', 'auto']
VALID_TIME_FORMATS['relative'] = ['seconds', 'hours', 'days', 'years']
VALID_TIME_FORMATS['phase'] = ['unity', 'degrees', 'radians']

VALID_TIME_MODES = ['absolute', 'relative', 'phase']

[docs]class BaseView: """ Base class for view-like objects (both the base figure and the actual views) """ def __init__(self, time_mode=None): self.uuid = str(uuid.uuid4()) self._data = OrderedDict() self._layers = OrderedDict() self._xlim = None self._ylim = None self._ylog = False self._xlabel = '' self._ylabel = '' self._time_format = '' if time_mode is not None and time_mode not in VALID_TIME_MODES: raise ValueError("time_mode should be one of " + "/".join(VALID_TIME_MODES)) self._time_mode = time_mode or 'absolute' @property def time_mode(self): return self._time_mode @property def ylog(self): """ Whether the y axis is linear (`False`) or log (`True`). """ return self._ylog @ylog.setter def ylog(self, value): self._ylog = value @property def xlabel(self): """ The label to use for the x-axis. If not specified, this is determined automatically from the type of x-axis. """ if self._xlabel: return self._xlabel else: if self._time_mode == 'absolute': return 'Time' elif self._time_mode == 'relative': return 'Relative Time ({0})'.format(self.time_format[0]) elif self._time_mode == 'phase': return 'Phase' @xlabel.setter def xlabel(self, value): self._xlabel = value @property def ylabel(self): """ The label to use for the y-axis. """ return self._ylabel @ylabel.setter def ylabel(self, value): self._ylabel = value @property def xlim(self): """ The x/time limits of the view. """ return self._xlim @xlim.setter def xlim(self, range): if not isinstance(range, (tuple, list)) or len(range) != 2: raise ValueError("xlim should be a tuple of two elements") start, end = range if isinstance(start, str): start = Time(start) if isinstance(end, str): end = Time(end) if not isinstance(start, Time) or not isinstance(end, Time): raise TypeError("xlim should be a typle of two Time instances") self._xlim = start, end @property def ylim(self): """ The y limits of the view. """ return self._ylim @ylim.setter def ylim(self, range): if isinstance(range[0], u.Quantity) is isinstance(range[1], u.Quantity): if isinstance(range[0], u.Quantity): if not range[0].unit.is_equivalent(range[1].unit): raise u.UnitsError(f'The units of ymin ({range[0].unit}) are ' f'not compatible with the units of ymax ({range[1].unit})') else: raise ValueError('Either both or neither limit has to be specified ' 'as a Quantity') self._ylim = range @property def time_format(self): """ The format to use for the x-axis. """ if self._time_format: return self._time_format else: if self._time_mode == 'absolute': return 'auto' elif self._time_mode == 'relative': return 'seconds' elif self._time_mode == 'phase': return 'unity' @time_format.setter def time_format(self, value): if value in VALID_TIME_FORMATS[self._time_mode]: self._time_format = value else: raise ValueError('time_format should be one of ' + '/'.join(VALID_TIME_FORMATS[self._time_mode])) def _validate_time_column(self, time_series, time_column): column = time_series[time_column] if self._time_mode == 'absolute': if not isinstance(column, Time) or isinstance(column, TimeDelta): raise TypeError('When in absolute time mode, the time column should be a Time object') elif self._time_mode == 'relative': if not isinstance(column, (TimeDelta, Quantity)) or (isinstance(column, Quantity) and column.unit.physical_type != 'time'): raise TypeError('When in relative time model, the time column should be a TimeDelta or Quantity object with time units') elif self._time_mode == 'phase': if not isinstance(column, np.ndarray) or (isinstance(column, Quantity) and column.unit.physical_type != 'dimensionless'): raise TypeError('When in relative time model, the time column should be a plain array or a dimensionless Quantity') else: raise ValueError('time_mode should be one of absolute/relative/phase')
[docs] def add_markers(self, *, time_series=None, column=None, time_column='time', **kwargs): """ Add markers, optionally with errorbars, to the figure. Parameters ---------- data : `~astropy.timeseries.TimeSeries` The time series object containing the data. column : str The field in the time series containing the data. time_column : str, optional The field to use for the time on the x-axis. error : str, optional The field in the time series containing the data uncertainties. shape : {'circle', 'square', 'cross', 'diamond', 'triangle-up', 'triangle-down', 'triangle-right', 'triangle-left'}, optional The symbol shape. size : float or int, optional The area in pixels of the bounding box of the symbols. Note that this value sets the area of the symbol; the side lengths will increase with the square root of this value. color : str or tuple, optional The fill color of the symbols. opacity : float or int, optional The opacity of the fill color from 0 (transparent) to 1 (opaque). edge_color : str or tuple, optional The edge color of the symbol. edge_opacity : float or int, optional The opacity of the edge color from 0 (transparent) to 1 (opaque). edge_width : float or int, optional The thickness of the edge, in pixels. label : str, optional The label to use to designate the layer in the legend. Returns ------- layer : `~aas_timeseries.layers.Markers` """ self._validate_time_column(time_series, time_column) if id(time_series) not in self._data: self._data[id(time_series)] = Data(time_series) markers = Markers(parent=self, data=self._data[id(time_series)], **kwargs) # Note that we need to set the column after the data so that the # validation works. markers.column = column markers.time_column = time_column self._layers[markers] = {'visible': True} return markers
[docs] def add_line(self, *, time_series=None, column=None, time_column='time', **kwargs): """ Add a line to the figure. Parameters ---------- data : `~astropy.timeseries.TimeSeries` The time series object containing the data. column : str The field in the time series containing the data. time_column : str, optional The field to use for the time on the x-axis. width : float or int, optional The width of the line, in pixels. color : str or tuple, optional The color of the line. opacity : float or int, optional The opacity of the line from 0 (transparent) to 1 (opaque). label : str, optional The label to use to designate the layer in the legend. Returns ------- layer : `~aas_timeseries.layers.Line` """ self._validate_time_column(time_series, time_column) if id(time_series) not in self._data: self._data[id(time_series)] = Data(time_series) line = Line(parent=self, data=self._data[id(time_series)], **kwargs) # Note that we need to set the column after the data so that the # validation works. line.column = column line.time_column = time_column self._layers[line] = {'visible': True} return line
[docs] def add_range(self, *, time_series=None, column_lower=None, column_upper=None, time_column='time', **kwargs): """ Add a time dependent range to the figure. Parameters ---------- data : `~astropy.timeseries.TimeSeries` The time series object containing the data. column_lower : str The field in the time series containing the lower value of the data range. column_upper : str The field in the time series containing the upper value of the data range. time_column : str, optional The field to use for the time on the x-axis. color : str or tuple, optional The fill color of the range. opacity : float or int, optional The opacity of the fill color from 0 (transparent) to 1 (opaque). edge_color : str or tuple, optional The edge color of the range. edge_opacity : float or int, optional The opacity of the edge color from 0 (transparent) to 1 (opaque). edge_width : float or int, optional The thickness of the edge, in pixels. label : str, optional The label to use to designate the layer in the legend. Returns ------- layer : `~aas_timeseries.layers.Range` """ self._validate_time_column(time_series, time_column) if id(time_series) not in self._data: self._data[id(time_series)] = Data(time_series) range = Range(parent=self, data=self._data[id(time_series)], **kwargs) # Note that we need to set the columns after the data so that the # validation works. range.column_lower = column_lower range.column_upper = column_upper range.time_column = time_column self._layers[range] = {'visible': True} return range
[docs] def add_vertical_line(self, time, **kwargs): """ Add a vertical line to the figure. Parameters ---------- time : `~astropy.time.Time` The date/time at which the vertical line is shown. width : float or int, optional The width of the line, in pixels. color : str or tuple, optional The color of the line. opacity : float or int, optional The opacity of the line from 0 (transparent) to 1 (opaque). label : str, optional The label to use to designate the layer in the legend. Returns ------- layer : `~aas_timeseries.layers.VerticalLine` """ line = VerticalLine(parent=self, time=time, **kwargs) self._layers[line] = {'visible': True} return line
[docs] def add_vertical_range(self, time_lower, time_upper, **kwargs): """ Add a vertical range to the figure. Parameters ---------- time_lower : `~astropy.time.Time` The date/time at which the range starts. time_upper : `~astropy.time.Time` The date/time at which the range ends. color : str or tuple, optional The fill color of the range. opacity : float or int, optional The opacity of the fill color from 0 (transparent) to 1 (opaque). edge_color : str or tuple, optional The edge color of the range. edge_opacity : float or int, optional The opacity of the edge color from 0 (transparent) to 1 (opaque). edge_width : float or int, optional The thickness of the edge, in pixels. label : str, optional The label to use to designate the layer in the legend. Returns ------- layer : `~aas_timeseries.layers.VerticalRange` """ range = VerticalRange(parent=self, time_lower=time_lower, time_upper=time_upper, **kwargs) self._layers[range] = {'visible': True} return range
[docs] def add_horizontal_line(self, value, **kwargs): """ Add a horizontal line to the figure. Parameters ---------- value : float or int The y value at which the horizontal line is shown. width : float or int, optional The width of the line, in pixels. color : str or tuple, optional The color of the line. opacity : float or int, optional The opacity of the line from 0 (transparent) to 1 (opaque). label : str, optional The label to use to designate the layer in the legend. Returns ------- layer : `~aas_timeseries.layers.HorizontalLine` """ line = HorizontalLine(parent=self, value=value, **kwargs) self._layers[line] = {'visible': True} return line
[docs] def add_horizontal_range(self, value_lower, value_upper, **kwargs): """ Add a horizontal range to the figure. Parameters ---------- value_lower : float or int The value at which the range starts. value_upper : float or int The value at which the range ends. color : str or tuple, optional The fill color of the range. opacity : float or int, optional The opacity of the fill color from 0 (transparent) to 1 (opaque). edge_color : str or tuple, optional The edge color of the range. edge_opacity : float or int, optional The opacity of the edge color from 0 (transparent) to 1 (opaque). edge_width : float or int, optional The thickness of the edge, in pixels. label : str, optional The label to use to designate the layer in the legend. Returns ------- layer : `~aas_timeseries.layers.HorizontalRange` """ range = HorizontalRange(parent=self, value_lower=value_lower, value_upper=value_upper, **kwargs) self._layers[range] = {'visible': True} return range
[docs] def add_text(self, **kwargs): """ Add a text label to the figure. Parameters ---------- time : `~astropy.time.Time` The date/time at which the text is shown. value : float or int The y value at which the text is shown. weight : {'normal', 'bold'}, optional The weight of the text. baseline : {'alphabetic', 'top', 'middle', 'bottom'}, optional The vertical text baseline. align : {'left', 'center', 'right'}, optional The horizontal text alignment. angle : float or int, optional The rotation angle of the text in degrees (default 0). text : str, optional The text label to show. color : str or tuple, optional The color of the text. opacity : float or int, optional The opacity of the text from 0 (transparent) to 1 (opaque). label : str, optional The label to use to designate the layer in the legend. Returns ------- layer : `~aas_timeseries.layers.Text` """ text = Text(parent=self, **kwargs) self._layers[text] = {'visible': True} return text
@property def layers(self): return list(self._layers) def _get_domains(self, yunit, as_vega=True): if self.xlim is None or self.ylim is None: all_times = [] all_values = [] # If there are symbol layers, we just use those to determine limits if any(isinstance(layer, Markers) for layer in self.layers): layer_types = (Markers,) else: layer_types = (Range, Line) for layer in self.layers: if isinstance(layer, layer_types): if self._time_mode == 'absolute': all_times.append(np.min([layer.time_column])) all_times.append(np.max([layer.time_column])) elif self._time_mode == 'relative': all_times.append(np.nanmin(, u.s))) all_times.append(np.nanmax(, u.s))) elif self._time_mode == 'phase': all_times.append(np.nanmin(, all_times.append(np.nanmax(, all_values.append(np.nanmin(, yunit))) all_values.append(np.nanmax(, yunit))) if len(all_times) > 0: xlim_auto = np.min(all_times), np.max(all_times) else: xlim_auto = None if len(all_values) > 0: ylim_auto = float(np.min(all_values)), float(np.max(all_values)) else: ylim_auto = None if self.xlim is None: xlim = xlim_auto else: xlim = self.xlim if self.ylim is None: ylim = ylim_auto else: ylim = self.ylim if isinstance(ylim[0], u.Quantity): ylim = ylim[0].to_value(yunit), ylim[1].to_value(yunit) elif yunit is not raise u.UnitsError(f'Limits for y axis are dimensionless but ' f'expected units of {yunit}') xlim = xlim_auto if xlim is None else xlim ylim = ylim_auto if ylim is None else ylim if xlim is not None: if self._time_mode == 'absolute' and as_vega: x_domain = ({'signal': time_to_vega(xlim[0])}, {'signal': time_to_vega(xlim[1])}) else: x_domain = list(xlim) else: x_domain = None if ylim is not None: y_domain = list(ylim) else: y_domain = None return x_domain, y_domain
[docs]class View(BaseView): def __init__(self, figure=None, inherited_layers=None, time_mode=None): super().__init__(time_mode=time_mode) self._figure = figure self._inherited_layers = inherited_layers or OrderedDict() self._data = figure._data self.ylabel = figure.ylabel
[docs] def show(self, layers): self._set_visible(layers, True)
[docs] def hide(self, layers): self._set_visible(layers, False)
def _set_visible(self, layers, visible): if isinstance(layers, BaseLayer): layers = [layers] for layer in layers: if layer in self._layers: self._layers[layer]['visible'] = visible elif layer in self._inherited_layers: self._inherited_layers[layer]['visible'] = visible else: raise ValueError(f'Layer {layer} not in view')
[docs] def remove(self, layer): """ Remove a layer from the view. """ if layer in self._inherited_layers: self._inherited_layers.pop(layer) elif layer in self._layers: self._layers.pop(layer) else: raise ValueError(f"Layer '{layer.label}' is not in view")
@property def layers(self): return list(self._inherited_layers) + list(self._layers)