Saving interactive and static figures

Saving interactive figures

To save the interactive figure to Vega-compliant JSON, use the save_vega_json() method:


By default, the data will be saved to separate CSV files, but you can also force the data to be embedded inside the JSON file by using:

fig.save_vega_json('my_figure.json', embed_data=True)

Finally, you can also export the JSON file and data files along with a template HTML file to view your interactive figure to a zip file by using the export_interactive_bundle() method:


Saving static figures

You can also save a static version of your plots using Matplotlib by using the save_static() method:

fig.save_static('my_figure', format='pdf')

The first argument is the prefix for the final filename, rather than the full filename - this is because in the case where views are present, files such as my_figure_view1.pdf will also be saved. The save_static() method supports all formats that are supported by the Matplotlib package.

If you want to customize the appearance of the plot, such as the font type you can make use of the Matplotlib rcparams settings.


When contructing the figure, you can assign colors to specific layers (see the layer documentation for more details). However, you can also not assign colors, and instead let them be assigned automatically when saving the figure. In this case, the colors will be chosen from the Colorbrewer2 Paired colormap, which is colorblind safe.

If you already assigned colors to layers, but you want to override these and replace them with colors taken from the above colormap, you can use the override_style=True option for the save_vega_json(), export_interactive_bundle(), and save_static() methods.