Source code for aas_timeseries.layers

import uuid
import weakref
from traitlets import HasTraits
from astropy import units as u
from aas_timeseries.traits import (Unicode, CFloat, PositiveCFloat, Opacity, Color,
                                   UnicodeChoice, DataTrait, ColumnTrait, AstropyTime,
                                   AstropyQuantity, Tooltip)

__all__ = ['BaseLayer', 'Markers', 'Line', 'Range', 'VerticalLine',
           'VerticalRange', 'HorizontalLine', 'HorizontalRange', 'Text',
           'time_to_vega', 'TimeDependentLayer']

DEFAULT_COLOR = '#000000'

[docs]def time_to_vega(time): """ Convert an `~astropy.time.Time` object into a string compatible with Vega. """ year, month, day, hour, minute, second = time.datetime.timetuple()[:6] # Note that Vega assumes months are zero-based. month -= 1 return f'datetime({year}, {month}, {day}, {hour}, {minute}, {second})'
def generate_tooltip(tooltip_option, default_tooltip): if isinstance(tooltip_option, bool): if tooltip_option: return default_tooltip else: return None elif isinstance(tooltip_option, (tuple, list)): return {'signal': "{" + ', '.join(["'{0}': datum.{0}".format(col) for col in tooltip_option]) + "}"} elif isinstance(tooltip_option, dict): return {'signal': "{" + ', '.join(["'{0}': datum.{1}".format(val, key) for key, val in tooltip_option.items()]) + "}"}
[docs]class BaseLayer(HasTraits): """ Base class for any layer object """ n_uuids = 1 label = Unicode(help='The label to use to designate the layers in the legend.') # Potential properties that could be implemented: toolTip def __init__(self, parent=None, *args, **kwargs): super().__init__(*args, **kwargs) # NOTE: we use weakref to avoid circular references self.parent = weakref.ref(parent) self.uuids = [str(uuid.uuid4()) for i in range(self.n_uuids)]
[docs] def remove(self): """ Remove the layer from the visualization. """ if self.parent is None or self.parent() is None: raise Exception(f"Layer '{self.label}' is no longer in a figure/view") else: self.parent().remove(self) self.parent = None
[docs] def to_vega(self): """ Convert the layer to its Vega representation. """
[docs] def to_mpl(self, ax, yunit=None): """ Add the layer to a Matplotlib `~matplotlib.axes.Axes` instance. """
@property def _required_xdata(self): """ Return a list of (data, column) tuples giving the data/columns required for the x-axis of the layer. """ return [] @property def _required_ydata(self): """ Return a list of (data, column) tuples giving the data/columns required for the y-axis of the layer. """ return [] @property def _required_tooltipdata(self): """ Return a list of (data, column) tuples giving the data/columns required for the tool tip of the layer. """ return []
[docs]class TimeDependentLayer(BaseLayer): """ A common class for all layers that depend on time """ time_column = ColumnTrait(None, help='The column to use.')
MARKER_SHAPES = ['circle', 'square', 'cross', 'diamond', 'triangle-up', 'triangle-down', 'triangle-right', 'triangle-left']
[docs]class Markers(TimeDependentLayer): """ A set of time series data points represented by markers. """ n_uuids = 2 data = DataTrait(help='The time series object containing the data.') column = ColumnTrait(None, help='The field in the time series containing the data.') error = ColumnTrait(None, help='The field in the time series ' 'containing the data uncertainties.') shape = UnicodeChoice('circle', help='The symbol shape.', choices=MARKER_SHAPES) size = PositiveCFloat(20, help='The area in pixels of the bounding box of the symbols.\n\n' 'Note that this value sets the area of the symbol; the ' 'side lengths will increase with the square root of this ' 'value.') color = Color(None, help='The fill color of the symbols.') opacity = Opacity(1, help='The opacity of the fill color from 0 (transparent) to 1 (opaque).') edge_color = Color(None, help='The edge color of the symbol.') edge_opacity = Opacity(0.2, help='The opacity of the edge color from 0 (transparent) to 1 (opaque).') edge_width = PositiveCFloat(0, help='The thickness of the edge, in pixels.') error_width = PositiveCFloat(1, help='The width of the error bar, in pixels.') tooltip = Tooltip(True, help='Whether to show a tooltip (`False` or ' '`True`). Can also be set to a list of data ' 'columns to show, or a dictionary mapping the ' 'display name to the column name.')
[docs] def to_vega(self, yunit=None): default_tooltip = {'signal': "{{'{0}': datum.{0}, '{1}': datum.{1}}}".format(self.time_column, self.column)} # The main markers vega = [{'type': 'symbol', 'name': self.uuids[0], 'description': self.label, 'clip': True, 'from': {'data':}, 'encode': {'enter': {'x': {'scale': 'xscale', 'field': self.time_column}, 'y': {'scale': 'yscale', 'field': self.column}, 'shape': {'value': self.shape}}, 'update': {'shape': {'value': self.shape}, 'size': {'value': self.size}, 'fill': {'value': self.color or DEFAULT_COLOR}, 'fillOpacity': {'value': self.opacity}, 'stroke': {'value': self.edge_color or DEFAULT_COLOR}, 'strokeOpacity': {'value': self.edge_opacity}, 'strokeWidth': {'value': self.edge_width}}}}] if self.tooltip: vega[0]['encode']['hover'] = {'size': {'value': self.size * 4}, 'tooltip': generate_tooltip(self.tooltip, default_tooltip)} # The error bars (if requested) if self.error: vega.append({'type': 'rect', 'name': self.uuids[1], 'description': self.label, 'clip': True, 'from': {'data':}, 'encode': {'enter': {'x': {'scale': 'xscale', 'field': self.time_column}, 'y': {'scale': 'yscale', 'signal': f"datum['{self.column}'] - datum['{self.error}']"}, 'y2': {'scale': 'yscale', 'signal': f"datum['{self.column}'] + datum['{self.error}']"}}, 'update': {'shape': {'value': self.shape}, 'width': {'value': self.error_width}, 'fill': {'value': self.color or DEFAULT_COLOR}, 'fillOpacity': {'value': self.opacity}, 'stroke': {'value': self.edge_color or DEFAULT_COLOR}, 'strokeOpacity': {'value': self.edge_opacity}, 'strokeWidth': {'value': self.edge_width}}}}) return vega
[docs] def to_mpl(self, ax, yunit=None): x =[self.time_column] y =, yunit) ax.scatter(x, y, s=self.size / 2, color=self.color or DEFAULT_COLOR, alpha=self.opacity) if self.error: yerr =, yunit) ax.errorbar(x, y, yerr=yerr, fmt='none', color=self.color or DEFAULT_COLOR, alpha=self.opacity, linewidth=self.error_width)
@property def _required_xdata(self): return [(, self.time_column)] @property def _required_ydata(self): return [(, self.column), (, self.error)] @property def _required_tooltipdata(self): if isinstance(self.tooltip, bool): if self.tooltip: return self._required_xdata + self._required_ydata else: return [] elif isinstance(self.tooltip, (tuple, list, dict)): return [(, col) for col in self.tooltip]
[docs]class Line(TimeDependentLayer): """ A set of time series data points connected by a line. """ data = DataTrait(help='The time series object containing the data.') column = ColumnTrait(None, help='The field in the time series containing the data.') width = PositiveCFloat(1, help='The width of the line, in pixels.') color = Color(None, help='The color of the line.') opacity = Opacity(1, help='The opacity of the line from 0 (transparent) to 1 (opaque).')
[docs] def to_vega(self, yunit=None): vega = {'type': 'line', 'name': self.uuids[0], 'description': self.label, 'clip': True, 'from': {'data':}, 'encode': {'enter': {'x': {'scale': 'xscale', 'field': self.time_column}, 'y': {'scale': 'yscale', 'field': self.column}, 'stroke': {'value': self.color or DEFAULT_COLOR}, 'strokeOpacity': {'value': self.opacity}, 'strokeWidth': {'value': self.width}}}} return [vega]
[docs] def to_mpl(self, ax, yunit=None): x =[self.time_column] y =, yunit) ax.plot(x, y, '-', linewidth=self.width, color=self.color or DEFAULT_COLOR, alpha=self.opacity)
@property def _required_xdata(self): return [(, self.time_column)] @property def _required_ydata(self): return [(, self.column)]
[docs]class Range(TimeDependentLayer): """ An interval defined by lower and upper values as a function of time. """ data = DataTrait(help='The time series object containing the data.') column_lower = ColumnTrait(None, help='The field in the time series containing the lower value of the data range.') column_upper = ColumnTrait(None, help='The field in the time series containing the upper value of the data range.') color = Color(None, help='The fill color of the range.') opacity = Opacity(0.2, help='The opacity of the fill color from 0 (transparent) to 1 (opaque).') edge_color = Color(None, help='The edge color of the range.') edge_opacity = Opacity(0.2, help='The opacity of the edge color from 0 (transparent) to 1 (opaque).') edge_width = PositiveCFloat(0, help='The thickness of the edge, in pixels.') # Potential properties that could be implemented: strokeCap, strokeDash
[docs] def to_vega(self, yunit=None): vega = {'type': 'area', 'name': self.uuids[0], 'description': self.label, 'clip': True, 'from': {'data':}, 'encode': {'enter': {'x': {'scale': 'xscale', 'field': self.time_column}, 'y': {'scale': 'yscale', 'field': self.column_lower}, 'y2': {'scale': 'yscale', 'field': self.column_upper}, 'fill': {'value': self.color or DEFAULT_COLOR}, 'fillOpacity': {'value': self.opacity}, 'stroke': {'value': self.edge_color or DEFAULT_COLOR}, 'strokeOpacity': {'value': self.edge_opacity}, 'strokeWidth': {'value': self.edge_width}}}} return [vega]
[docs] def to_mpl(self, ax, yunit=None): x =[self.time_column] y1 =, yunit) y2 =, yunit) ax.fill_between(x, y1, y2, color=self.color or DEFAULT_COLOR, alpha=self.opacity)
@property def _required_xdata(self): return [(, self.time_column)] @property def _required_ydata(self): return [(, self.column_lower), (, self.column_upper)]
[docs]class VerticalLine(BaseLayer): """ A vertical line at a specific time. """ time = AstropyTime(help='The date/time at which the vertical line is shown.') width = PositiveCFloat(1, help='The width of the line, in pixels.') color = Color(None, help='The color of the line.') opacity = Opacity(1, help='The opacity of the line from 0 (transparent) to 1 (opaque).') # Potential properties that could be implemented: strokeCap, strokeDash
[docs] def to_vega(self, yunit=None): vega = {'type': 'rule', 'name': self.uuids[0], 'description': self.label, 'clip': True, 'encode': {'enter': {'x': {'scale': 'xscale', 'signal': time_to_vega(self.time)}, 'y': {'value': 0}, 'y2': {'field': {'group': 'height'}}, 'strokeWidth': {'value': self.width}, 'stroke': {'value': self.color or DEFAULT_COLOR}, 'strokeOpacity': {'value': self.opacity}}}} return [vega]
[docs] def to_mpl(self, ax, yunit=None): ax.axvline(self.time, linewidth=self.width, color=self.color or DEFAULT_COLOR, alpha=self.opacity)
[docs]class VerticalRange(BaseLayer): """ A continuous range specified by a lower and upper time. """ time_lower = AstropyTime(help='The date/time at which the range starts.') time_upper = AstropyTime(help='The date/time at which the range ends.') color = Color(None, help='The fill color of the range.') opacity = Opacity(0.2, help='The opacity of the fill color from 0 (transparent) to 1 (opaque).') edge_color = Color(None, help='The edge color of the range.') edge_opacity = Opacity(0.2, help='The opacity of the edge color from 0 (transparent) to 1 (opaque).') edge_width = PositiveCFloat(0, help='The thickness of the edge, in pixels.') # Potential properties that could be implemented: strokeCap, strokeDash
[docs] def to_vega(self, yunit=None): vega = {'type': 'rect', 'name': self.uuids[0], 'description': self.label, 'clip': True, 'encode': {'enter': {'x': {'scale': 'xscale', 'signal': time_to_vega(self.time_lower)}, 'x2': {'scale': 'xscale', 'signal': time_to_vega(self.time_upper)}, 'y': {'value': 0}, 'y2': {'field': {'group': 'height'}}, 'fill': {'value': self.color or DEFAULT_COLOR}, 'fillOpacity': {'value': self.opacity}, 'stroke': {'value': self.edge_color or DEFAULT_COLOR}, 'strokeOpacity': {'value': self.edge_opacity}, 'strokeWidth': {'value': self.edge_width}}}} return [vega]
[docs] def to_mpl(self, ax, yunit=None): ax.fill_betweenx([-1e30, 1e30], self.time_lower, self.time_upper, color=self.color or DEFAULT_COLOR, alpha=self.opacity)
[docs]class HorizontalLine(BaseLayer): """ A horizontal line at a specific y value. """ # TODO: validate value and allow it to be a quantity value = AstropyQuantity(help='The y value at which the horizontal line is shown.') width = PositiveCFloat(1, help='The width of the line, in pixels.') color = Color(None, help='The color of the line.') opacity = Opacity(1, help='The opacity of the line from 0 (transparent) to 1 (opaque).') # Potential properties that could be implemented: strokeCap, strokeDash
[docs] def to_vega(self, yunit=None): if yunit is None: yunit = value = self.value.to_value(yunit) vega = {'type': 'rule', 'name': self.uuids[0], 'description': self.label, 'clip': True, 'encode': {'enter': {'x': {'value': 0}, 'x2': {'field': {'group': 'width'}}, 'y': {'scale': 'yscale', 'value': float(value)}, 'strokeWidth': {'value': self.width}, 'stroke': {'value': self.color or DEFAULT_COLOR}, 'strokeOpacity': {'value': self.opacity}}}} return [vega]
[docs] def to_mpl(self, ax, yunit=None): if yunit is None: yunit = ax.axhline(self.value.to_value(yunit), linewidth=self.width, color=self.color or DEFAULT_COLOR, alpha=self.opacity)
[docs]class HorizontalRange(BaseLayer): """ A continuous range specified by a lower and upper value. """ value_lower = AstropyQuantity(help='The value at which the range starts.') value_upper = AstropyQuantity(help='The value at which the range ends.') color = Color(None, help='The fill color of the range.') opacity = Opacity(0.2, help='The opacity of the fill color from 0 (transparent) to 1 (opaque).') edge_color = Color(None, help='The edge color of the range.') edge_opacity = Opacity(0.2, help='The opacity of the edge color from 0 (transparent) to 1 (opaque).') edge_width = PositiveCFloat(0, help='The thickness of the edge, in pixels.') # Potential properties that could be implemented: strokeCap, strokeDash
[docs] def to_vega(self, yunit=None): if yunit is None: yunit = value_lower = self.value_lower.to_value(yunit) value_upper = self.value_upper.to_value(yunit) vega = {'type': 'rect', 'name': self.uuids[0], 'description': self.label, 'clip': True, 'encode': {'enter': {'x': {'value': 0}, 'x2': {'field': {'group': 'width'}}, 'y': {'scale': 'yscale', 'value': float(value_lower)}, 'y2': {'scale': 'yscale', 'value': float(value_upper)}, 'fill': {'value': self.color or DEFAULT_COLOR}, 'fillOpacity': {'value': self.opacity}, 'stroke': {'value': self.edge_color or DEFAULT_COLOR}, 'strokeOpacity': {'value': self.edge_opacity}, 'strokeWidth': {'value': self.edge_width}}}} return [vega]
[docs] def to_mpl(self, ax, yunit=None): value_lower = self.value_lower.to_value(yunit) value_upper = self.value_upper.to_value(yunit) ax.fill_between([-1e30, 1e30], value_lower, value_upper, color=self.color or DEFAULT_COLOR, alpha=self.opacity)
[docs]class Text(BaseLayer): """ A text label. """ text = Unicode(help='The text label to show.') time = AstropyTime(help='The date/time at which the text is shown.') value = AstropyQuantity(help='The y value at which the text is shown.') weight = UnicodeChoice('normal', help='The weight of the text.', choices=['normal', 'bold']) baseline = UnicodeChoice('alphabetic', help='The vertical text baseline.', choices=['alphabetic', 'top', 'middle', 'bottom']) align = UnicodeChoice('left', help='The horizontal text alignment.', choices=['left', 'center', 'right']) angle = CFloat(0, help='The rotation angle of the text in degrees (default 0).') color = Color(None, help='The color of the text.') opacity = Opacity(1, help='The opacity of the text from 0 (transparent) to 1 (opaque).')
[docs] def to_vega(self, yunit=None): if yunit is None: yunit = value = self.value.to_value(yunit) vega = {'type': 'text', 'name': self.uuids[0], 'description': self.label, 'clip': True, 'encode': {'enter': {'x': {'scale': 'xscale', 'signal': time_to_vega(self.time)}, 'y': {'scale': 'yscale', 'value': float(value)}, 'text': {'value': self.text}, 'fill': {'value': self.color or DEFAULT_COLOR}, 'fillOpacity': {'value': self.opacity}, 'fontWeigth': {'value': self.weight}, 'baseline': {'value': self.baseline}, 'align': {'value': self.align}, 'angle': {'value': self.angle}}}} return [vega]
[docs] def to_mpl(self, ax, yunit=None): if yunit is None: yunit = x = self.time value = self.value.to_value(yunit) ax.text(x, value, self.text, color=self.color or DEFAULT_COLOR, alpha=self.opacity)